The system is theoretically analyzed and a plaster model is reconstructed by this method and satisfactory experiment results are obtained. 对该系统进行了理论分析,并以石膏像模型为对象进行了具体实验,得到了较满意的结果。
Orthotics are usually custom-made using a plaster model of your foot. 矫正鞋垫通常用石膏模型量足定做。
As an experiment example, a 3D surface model of a plaster model have been successfully reconstructed on a platform of PIII 800 personal computer. 该方法已在PIII800的PC机上进行了验证,成功的重建了一人头石膏像的3D表面模型。
The features of fracture mechanics of plaster as the model material are similar to those of the concrete. 模型材料石膏具有与混凝土相似的断裂力学特性。
Disinfectant Effect and Accuracy Influence of Different Disinfection Methods on the Plaster Model of Denture 多种消毒方法对义齿石膏模型的消毒效果及精度的影响
Effect of Microwave Disinfection on Linear Dimensions of Plaster Model of Teeth 微波消毒对牙体石膏模型线性尺寸影响的研究
The Role of Plaster Model in the Teaching of Drawing 石膏像题材在素描教学中的作用
Methods By laser scanning apparatus the plaster face model was scanned and the primitive face point data were acquired. 方法通过激光扫描仪对一例单侧眼眶部缺损石膏面部模型进行数据采集。
It has presented the special visual aesthetic perception of plaster decorative materials for its special model and decorative pattern. 由于其特殊的造型表现形式和装饰纹样的组织方式,形成了石膏装饰材料独特的视觉美感。
Development of high Strength Coating for Plaster Model 石膏模型高强涂层的研究
Results Reconstruction of the geometric model for plaster model of dentition defect was carried out. 结果实现了牙列缺损石膏模型的几何模型重建。
The experiments of 3D reconstruction of plaster model indicated that the dot projection enhances the image features of the free-form surface and the area matching approach performs matching effectively between the images. 对石膏像面部进行三维重构的实验表明,投射光斑的方法增加了自由曲面的图像特征,分块匹配算法能有效地实现图像间的特征匹配。
The distributed optical fiber sensing technology is applied to detect the cracks in the small scale plaster model test fo arch dam. 在拱坝小比尺石膏模型实验中,首次应用了分布式光纤传感技术捕捉随机裂缝。
METHODS: A plaster model with dentition defects was scanned with low energy X-ray industrial computed tomography ( ICT) for ICT image. 方法:利用低能量X射线工业计算机断层扫描机(IndustrialComputedTomography,ICT)扫描牙列缺损石膏模型,获得该模型的ICT图像,经过图形图像处理,获取表面轮廓三维数据;
Meanwhile, from a large sense of the symbol meaning of dream, the audients could shape a kind of mode as "plaster model" in appreciating the ancient drama. 同时,从大的框架下审视梦的符号意义,这些符号使我们对古典戏剧的欣赏模式呈现出一种石膏模型式的特点。
Plaster was used to fix the straighten position of knee joint of right posterior limbs of the rabbits of model group. 模型组右后下肢膝关节伸直位石膏管型固定。
Experimental study on different impression materials on the surface properties of plaster model 不同印模材料对石膏模型表面性能影响的实验研究
The Interface Chemistry Problem of Cement Between Optical Fibre and Plaster Model 光纤、石膏模型胶接的界面化学问题及实验
A plaster model of normal external nose was scanned five times by laser scanner in different inclined angles and the nasal surface configuration of point-cloud data was reconstructed in reverse engineering software respectively. 应用三维激光扫描系统采集不同倾斜角度的外鼻石膏模型的表面数据,在PC机中用三维重建软件3-D-scan-now分别重建三维外鼻数字模型。
Study on Function Mechanism of Anti-Osteoporosis Acupoint Plaster in Rat Model with Osteoporosis 抗骨松穴位贴剂对骨质疏松症大鼠模型作用机理的研究
Methods Clinical crown heights of premolars and first molars were measured on the plaster model for both the group of adult rapid maxillary expansion ( RME) and the group of non-rapid maxillary expansion ( C) before and after treatment. 方法测量成人上颌快速扩弓组(RME组)和非上颌快速扩弓矫治病例组(对照组,C组)治疗前后牙牙合石膏模型临床牙冠高度的变化。
Distributed optical fiber sensing technology for crack detection in the small scale plaster model test of arch dam 拱坝小比尺石膏模型裂缝定位的分布式光纤传感技术
TNF-α 、 IL-1 β 、 CRP: There was significant difference between Votalin Emulgel group, Qu Bi Tong Luo plaster group, blank control group and model control group. TNF-α、IL-1β、CRP:扶他林乳胶剂组、祛痹通络膏组、空白对照组与模型对照组之间有显著性差异;
Make up a new waterproofing dry mixed plaster mortar, and taking technical and economic evaluation to the new waterproofing dry mixed mortar, Building a mathematical model of cost performance. 并对新型防水干混砂浆进行了技术经济评价,建立了性价比的数学模型。
Method of measuring tooth morphology can be divided into two kinds of direct measurement and indirect measurement, direct measurement refers to the extracted teeth with vernier caliper for manual measurement, indirect measurement, including dental imaging method for measuring and plaster model of the measurement. 牙齿外部形态测量的方法可分为直接测量和间接测量两种,直接测量是指用游标卡尺对离体牙进行手工测量,间接测量包括对牙齿的影像学测量和对牙合石膏模型的测量。
Three-dimensional digital teeth models overcome shortcomings of traditional plaster model, such as mass storage, frangibility, difficulty of communicating at a long distance and so on. 三维数字化牙齿模型克服了传统石膏模型占用大量储存空间、易损坏、不利于远距离交流等缺点,得到越来越广泛的应用。